To Like A♥Man
To Like A♥Man
To Like A♥Man
Veronica Purcell
BldramaCEOCoupleHappy EndingUrban
A test analyst headbutts a CEO's sports car: love slams into their hearts. Bradley James found himself working for a company called T-Strike when he had headbutted the door of Adrian Masters's sports car, the company's CEO. Their fateful meeting triggered a path for Adam Thornton. A man determined to destroy Adrian's reputation to keep Bradley by his side. But Adam's actions are capable of destroying more than reputations. Bradley is soon surrounded by schemers and desperadoes eager to take advantage of his new relationship. Lover affairs are challenged in this boy's love set within an ICT corporate world.
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Smack Bang WTF?

Bradley panted and wheezed for breath, giving it his all with his sprints. Hopefully, he could make it to his job on time.

His heart raced as his mind wandered over his perfect attendance record about to score a big black mark from his tyrant boss. So far, he was able to avoid the man's intense scolding, bullying and scrutiny due to his perfect attendance, clean work and meeting to his data load targets on time.

Today was going to be the day that his low profile would flip upside down. It wasn't his fault. He woke and caught the usual morning train, but an accident on the tracks had seen to a fifteen-minute delay. He didn't have the stomach strength and heart to call his boss and tell him he'd be late, fearing the man's aggressive ranting from the other end of the receiver.

So he decided to sprint for his life through the train station turnstiles, up flights of stairs leading him into bustling and heavily crowded streets, which reeked of morning garbage, fresh coffee, hot savory foods and body odors. He ignored all the city's stimuli, completely focused on reaching his desk on time.

His mind was so fixated on an evil image of his boss with devil horns, tearing him down in front of all his peers for being late, that he failed to notice a driver's door swinging open as he sprinted across a road. His head was bowed to his bag, trying to shove his phone back inside it as he kept sprinting toward the car, which was side-parked to the curb near the start of the footpath beyond.

The interior of the door being opened was pristine with expensive polished leather and a fitted, state of the art, entertainment system.

Bradley slammed right into it (like running into a closed door at high speeds), banging his head hard on the glass, so he fell unconscious into the arms of the car's handsome driver, who was surprised and angry at the strange man he suddenly found himself holding.

The handsome man's anger abated when he realized the man's flushed face and white shirt peaking out from his navy suit. The collar was clinging to the man's sweaty skin.

"Wonder what company you were trying to reach?" The handsome man mused.

After some split analysis, he maneuvered the man into the back seat of his car (who was fortunately a lightweight and skinny around the waist) and re-entered the driver seat. He started up the car and pulled it out of the street, dialing his personal assistant's number via Bluetooth.

"Adrian! Tell me you are just about to enter the design meeting with Sparks," said a stern and almost scolding female voice from the car's receiver.

Adrian sighed. "Change of plans with a twist of fate. I'm heading to the hospital. Release the briefs to the customer and have Simon step-in the meeting via Skype."

"What?! Are you mad?! Simon's just left for his holiday?! What's happened Adrian? This better not be one of your cock brain schemes again!"

"Relax Angie. Simon should still be in the office. Reach him quickly and give him the brief. That is all." Adrian reassured his personal assistant with his final word, ignoring her irate complaints as he cut her off and took a turn for the city's hospital.

He glanced at the unconscious man slumped in the back seat from his rear vision mirror. The man was slender with smooth skin and effeminate looks to rival a female model, especially his large round eyes that were closed to show off his long brown lashes. His light-brown hair was cut neatly to the nape of his neck, with soft bangs covering his fine, naturally shaped brows.

Adrian's mind checked through his project tasks and lingered on the one, he knew he had finally found a solution. He pressed the call button on his steering wheel and dialed the number for one of his developers.

A smile formed as he saw fate at play and his stroke of luck.

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